Cost Sharing Communities

Medical Cost Sharing provides funding for catastrophic and/or expensive one-time needs: things like pregnancy, broken limbs, accidents, and cancer. There are different levels of monthly cost and initial unshared amounts. The more an individual pays monthly, the lower the initial unshared amount. 

How does it work?

When a medical need arises, the individual is responsible for paying the initial unshared amount respective to the level of coverage they have, then the rest of the bills associated with that need are shared (covered) by sending the funds directly to the patient so that they can then pay their bills as a self-care patient. 

Needs-associated costs don’t reset each year; if you break a leg in November, your costs will still be shared in February if you are going through physical therapy, develop an infection related to the injury, etc.  

Find out more:

Sedera is a not-for-profit Medical Cost Sharing community that offers an innovative, non-insurance approach to managing large healthcare costs.

Have Questions?

Send us an email and a member of our Good Work Austin team will be in touch.